The Good Samaritan Aid Society

Thanks for your generous & compassionate donation.
May our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, always bless and reward you abundantly!.

Credit Card Donations

Please fill out the secure form below to make a tax-deductible credit card donation

Monthly Donation

OR Monthly Donation Through PayPal

Monthly Donation

OR Monthly Donation Through PayPal

Direct Deposit or PayPal Donations

Please see either bank transfer or PayPal option below for your tax-deductible donation

Australia – Bank Transfer:

Bank Name:  Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Account Name:  Good Samaritan Aid Society
BSB Number:  062294
Account Number:  10414850

Make a monthly donation

Lend a helping hand

Your Support is Changing Thousands of Lives

The Good Samaritan Aid Society would like to thank you for your generous donation and support. Without your kind hearted donations, we would not be able to lend a helping hand to many individuals and families.

Note: If you require a tax-deductible receipt for your donation, please email us at with a copy of your completed Bank Transfer/PayPal/Credit Card payment.

Corporate & Individual donations are welcomed.

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